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A single point of contact for every type of need

For over 65 years, we have been supporting our clients in the strategic management of risks and in choosing the cover best suited to their needs, guaranteeing the best solutions on the insurance market.

We are able to provide timely responses thanks to our specialization in managing the most complex commercial and industrial risks, of greater complexity as well as in the area of personal services.

The services we offer are designed to support our clients in every single operation.

For each client

Dedicated Consultant

Each client will be assisted in their insurance choices by a member of our team, who ensures a high level of consultancy through a comprehensive understanding of the insured's needs and a direct contact for any insurance requirement.

For businesses

Risk Management

We assist corporate managers in the private sector and public administration in identifying elements of particular complexity associated with business activities and define the scope of risks to which companies are exposed.
We study each business activity to reduce the occurrence of unforeseen events and outline the strategy for managing processes with the goal of minimizing the potential consequences of unassessed risks. Finally, We study each business activity to.

Keeping up with the times

Cyber Security

We are continually searching for the most comprehensive policies for managing risks related to cyber security, recommending our clients the best product to meet their needs chosen from market leaders insurance companies ..


Claims Assistance

A claim is a delicate moment for the client, who is often not only distressed by the event but also involved in a bureaucratic process that makes the situation difficult to handle. Our claims office, with highly qualified professionals, supports the insured so they can fully entrust the management of their claim: our staff will handle the case with the insurance companies until the claim is settled.

Due Diligence

We study the existing insurance policies considering the coverage offered in terms of deductibles, premiums, legislative updates, and claims, with the goal of offering our clients contracts with appropriate premiums.


We support our clients in managing the risk of their customer’s insolvency, providing them with a selection of insurance policies to protect against this type of risk.    .


We study insurance solutions to propose to specific categories of professionals or employees of public or private sectors, with the aim of offering convenient and personalized insurance products, tailored to the needs of each individual. 

Web Platform

Our service never stops: the management system we use offers our clients a real-time online connection to monitor the insurance situation and to contact us, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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